Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Legal Domestic Abuse

Legal Domestic Abuse is when a batterer takes his abuse against a woman into the court room. The abuser will use his lies, his lawyer and the mental health professionals to make her look like she is the one who is crazy and abusive. This kind of abuse takes a woman off guard at the time she is relying on the legal system to help her get free of him. This is a very real threat to women and her children as she may loose custody of them to the abuser. It happens all the time. Please learn all you can about legal domestic abuse so that you will not be his victim again in this trap.

Domestic violence...It seems like such a simple concept but is quite certainly not the case.  There are many types of domestic violence.  Domestic violence goes beyond simply hitting someone.  Emotional abuse is a types of domestic violence.  I know for me at least, I could take the hitting but the words hurt me more than words can describe.  The bruises fade but the words shouted or whispered to you by your abuser, never go away.  Another type of stalking is legal domestic violence.  I have also experienced this.  This is when the abuser uses law enforcement authorities or the courts to do there evil work for them.  I have even been arrested twice because of abusers using this technique.  Thank goodness, I was found innocent on both counts.  The stress that was put on me was incredible.  Another way that an abuser can you the legal system is by abusing the child abuse hotline to call in fraudulent reports on their victims.  They say there is a criminal charge for calling in false reports but through experience, even with law enforcement behind me, we have learned that hardly anyone gets prosecuted.  What results is innocent parents and children being put through the ringer jumping through hoops when there homes are perfectly safe, while the abuser laughs on.  My abuser used to love to call DCF when it was finals week when I was in college finishing my degree. Talk about stress. I have had over 14 false reports to DCF called on me by my abuser.  They all ended with no findings but just imagine the time, money and energy that it took away from myself, my children, and DCF.  There are so many children that need help and DCF is so short handed beause of high turn over rates of their employees that acts like this take away from children that so desperately need to be rescued from dangerous homes.  There are so many ways that an abuser can use to get to their victim(s).  It is important that survivors of domestic violence are aware off these different tools that abusers use so that they can identify it and combat it successfully.